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Angličanina 2 (DVD)

 Nové príbehy zo Spievankova, pri ktorých sa deti opäť veľa naučia. 


Angličanina 2 (DVD)

Podrobný popis

Kto povedal, že učenie angličtiny je námaha? S Píšťalkou Tidlalkou a Vílou Nezábudkou je to veľká zábava. Pomocou pútavých príbehov, pesničiek a rytmizáciou nových slovíčok a fráz sa deti rýchlo naučia základy angličtiny bez toho, aby vedeli, že sa učia. Desaťročnou praxou overená metodika Márie Podhradskej, ktorá je pedagógom angličtiny, naozaj funguje.

Môžete sa opäť tešiť na veselé huncútstva obľúbenej píšťalky Tidlalky a jej nového anglického kamaráta – tajomnej skrine s menom DO-RE-MI! Zistíte napríklad, ako uvariť smiešnu polievku, upratať hračky, zacvičíte si s hasičmi mravcami,  zoznámite sa so zvieratkami na farme alebo zažijete tie pravé spievankovské Vianoce…

Aké dobrodružstvá deti zažijú spolu s Píšťalkou Tidlalkou a ako sa to nakoniec skončí? Pozrite si nové diely ANGLIČANINY 2 , ktorá je plná nových anglických slovíčok a fráz, chytľavých anglických pesničiek, tanca a zábavy.

Voľné pokračovanie úspešného seriálu Angličanina je určené pre deti od 2 do 10 rokov, ktoré sa začínajú učiť po anglicky.

Zoznam kapitol:
6. lekcia - VEGETABLE /zelenina
7. lekcia - FUNNY SOUP /smiešna polievka
8. lekcia - COMMANDS /povely
9. lekcia - TOYS /hračky
10. lekcia - TAKE CARE OF TOYS /starostlivosť a poriadok
11. lekcia - FARM ANIMALS /domáce zvieratá
12. lekcia - CHRISTMAS /Vianoce


Vegetable soup

Mkrva - carrot, carrot. 
Hrášok - pease, pease.
Zemiak - potato, potato.
Cibuľka - onion, onion.

What should go in the vegetable soup,
vegetable soup, vegetable soup.
What should go in the vegetable soup,
tell me, tell me now.

Carrot - yes, parrot - no,
pease - yes, cheese - no - no - no.

What should go in the vegetable soup,
vegetable soup, vegetable soup.
What should go in the vegetable soup,
tell me, tell me now.

Potato - yes, a coco - no,
onion - yes and banana - no - no - no.

What should go in the vegetable soup,
vegetable soup, vegetable soup.
We allready know.



Up - and down.
Up - and down.
Up - and down.
Stand up and sit down.
Stand up and sit down.
Stand up and sit down.

When we run,
we have fun.
When we run,
we have fun.
Run - run - run,
fun - fun - fun.
Fun - fun - fun.
Jump - jump,
jump - jump.
Once again and we have done.



Kočík - pram, pram, pram.
Auto - car, car, car.
Bábika - doll, doll, doll.
Lopta - ball, ball, ball.
Hračka - toy, toy, toy.
Kniha - book, book, book.

What is this? What is this?
It 's a doll. It 's a doll.
It 's sleeping, it's sleeping,
don 't play with the ball.
Don 't play with the ball.

She is a girl,
he is a boy.
And this is our toy, toy toy.

Farm animals

Krava je cow, cow, cow.
Sliepka je hen, hen, hen.
Pes je dog, dog, dog.
Kôň je horse, horse, horse.
Zajac je rabbit, rabbit, rabbit.
Ovečka je sheep, sheep, sheep.

Cow cow, cow cow, gives milk now now.
Cow cow, cow cow, gives milk now now.
Hen, hen, hen I can count to ten,
hen, hen, hen I cant count to ten.

Cow cow, cow cow, gives milk now now.
Cow cow, cow cow, gives milk now now.
Dog, dog, dog I can jump and jog.
dog, dog, dog I can jump and jog.

Cow cow, cow cow, gives milk now now.
Cow cow, cow cow, gives milk now now.
I can also ride a horse, ride a horse, ride a horse.
I can also ride a horse, ride a horse.

Cow cow, cow cow, gives milk now now.
Cow cow, cow cow, gives milk now now.
Rabbit, a rabbit  is hungry a bit.
Rabbit, a rabbit  is hungry a bit.

Cow cow, cow cow, gives milk now now.
Cow cow, cow cow, gives milk now now.
Sheep, sheep, sheep, they fall asleep.
Sheep, sheep, sheep, they fall asleep.

Cow cow, cow cow, gives milk now now.
Cow cow, cow cow, gives milk now now.
Cow cow, cow cow, gives milk now now.
Cow cow, cow cow, gives milk now now.



Can you see the christmas tree,
la - la - la - la -la.
Little stars, little stars,
shining with the bells and heards.
Little stars, little stars,
shining with the bells and heards.

Can you hear the angels wings,
Little stars, little stars,
shining with the bells and heards.
Little stars, little stars,
shining with the bells and heards.

Can you smell the gingerbread bell,
la - la -la - la -la.
Little stars, little stars,
shining with the bells and heards.
Little stars, little stars,
shining with the bells and heards.

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DVD angličanina copy
Pracovný zošit Angličanina copy 243
Kniha front OSEKANA
€19,99 (–10 %)