Predpredaj knížky Kúzelné čítanie Spievankovo - Angličanina už prebieha! Iba do 20.10.2024 s 10% zľavou!

Angličanina 3 (DVD)

Učenie angličtiny je veľká zábava! Nové príbehy Víly Nezábudky, Píšťalky Tidlalky a obľúbených postavičiek zo SPIEVANKOVA znovu ožívajú.

Angličanina 3 (DVD)

Podrobný popis

Učenie angličtiny je veľká zábava!

Vďaka zábavným príbehom, veselým pesničkám a rytmizácií deti "nasávajú" angličtinu úplne prirodzene, bez toho, že by sa cielene učili. Učenie formou situácií a celých fráz, aby deti vedeli nové slovíčka efektívne rýchlo používať. Overená metóda Márie Podhradskej naozaj funguje - od najmenších 2-ročných detí až po školákov!

Tešte sa na nové dobrodružstvá - zoberieme vás na dobrodružný výlet za lesnými zvieratkami, vyrobíme si chutnú ovocnú tortu s ježkovcami, ušijeme nové šaty s Krajčírom Rakom a pôjdeme k svetluškám po jasné svetlo. Zahráme sa na obchod, naučíme sa čarovné slovíčka a nakoniec pomôžeme malým myškám udobriť sa...

Voľné pokračovanie úspešného seriálu Angličanina je určené pre deti od 2 do 10 rokov, ktoré sa začínajú učiť po anglicky.

Zoznam kapitol:
13. lekcia - PICNIC /piknik
14. lekcia - SHOPPING /nakupovanie
15. lekcia - BE HAPPY /buď šťastný 
16. lekcia - DRESS /oblečenie
17. lekcia - FRUIT /ovocie
18. lekcia - DARK & LIGHT /svetlo a tma



The wheels on the bus go round and round,
round and round,  round and round,
the wheels on the bus go round and round,
all through the town.

The people on the bus go up and down,
up and down,  up and down,
the people on the bus go up and down,
all through the town.

The driver on the bus says "Move on back,
move on back,  move on back!",
the driver on the bus says "Move on back!",
all through the town.

The babies on the bus says "Wah – wah - wah,
wah – wah - wah,  wah – wah – wah!",
the babies on the bus says "Wah – wah – wah!"
all through the town.

The babies on the bus says "Wah – wah - wah,
wah – wah - wah,  wah – wah – wah!",
the babies on the bus says "Wah – wah – wah!"
all through the town.

The babies on the bus says "Wah – wah - wah,
wah – wah - wah,  wah – wah – wah!",
the babies on the bus says "Wah – wah – wah!"
all through the town.

The horn on the bus goes: „Beep – beep – beep,
beep – beep – beep,  beep – beep – beep!“,
The horn on the bus goes: „Beep – beep – beep!“,
all through the town, 
all through the town, all through the town!


I know two magic words
which you should know,
everywhere you go
there will help you.
First one is please, did you know,
and the other one is thank you.

Please, please can I borrow this,
thank you, thank you that's kind of you.
I know two magic words
which you should know,
everywhere you go
there will help you.

Be happy

If you are happy and you know it clap your hands.
If you are happy and you know it clap your hands.
If you are happy and you know it clap your hands.
If you are happy and you know it 


This is your shirt, just look, how beautiful it is,
your red, red shirt.
This is your shirt, just look, how beautiful it is,
your green, green shirt.

Put on your trousers and put on your dress,
and put on your sock. Oh, what a mess, mess, mess.

Take off your shirt, just look, how beautiful it is,
your red, red shirt.
Take off your shirt, just look, how beautiful it is,
your green, green shirt.

Put on your trousers and put on your dress,
and put on your sock. Oh, what a mess, mess, mess.

What is this and what is that,
try to guess, it's a hat!


I like bananas, banana-nas,
I like an orange, orange,
I like an apple, apple- apples 
and like you.

Dark and light

There is a spider,
spider on your head,
and what is this. It 's a bat.
There is an orange pumpkin,
look at this, give me a kiss.

Switch on the light, switch on the light,
switch on the light and switch off fear.
Switch on the light, switch on the light,
switch on the light my dear. 

Buďte prvý, kto napíše príspevok k tejto položke.

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Podobné produkty

Spievankovo 4 copy
DVD angličanina copy
Osekane DVDAnglicanina2